Bald Eagle Nest Zones
This layer displays the regulated 660’ buffer around known bald eagle nests according to the FWC. Standard guidelines prohibit development within 100’ of a nest at any time. Development in the area 100-330’ from a nest cannot occur during the nesting season (mid-September until early April). Development in the area 330-660’ from a nest is permitted in the non-nesting period, but can only occur during the nesting season if the nest is monitored by a qualified biologist. Some nests identified in this layer may have other non-standard protection zones. Generally an intact nest requires five consecutive years of abandonment before it is de-listed while a downed nest requires two years. Because FWC does not review all nests each year, some nests may lack data, others may be overdue for de-listing, and other new nests may not yet be recorded in the database. Contact a qualified environmental consultant to review the site and to determine the exact status of nests on or nearby the search parcel.
Hire a qualified environmental consultant if this layer is showing on a property you are about to purchase.