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Wood Stork Foraging Area (USFWS)

Regulated by Fish & Wildlife and the Army Corps, Wetland avoidance, impact minimization, and mitigation measures, as typically required in […]

Wetlands (Water Management District)

This is one of three agencies that map wetlands. Issue: This layer shows wetlands as determined by Southwest Florida Water […]

(NWI) National Wetland Inventory mapped by Fish and Wildlife

This is one of three agencies that map wetlands. Issue: This layer shows wetlands as determined by Southwest Florida Water […]

Sink Holes

This layer shows a history of sink hole locations. Click on any sink hole icon when inside the map and it […]

Scrub Jay Groups and Habitats

Mitigation is different per county. There’s only a few counties in Florida, such as Charlotte County, that have a streamline […]

Sand Skinks (Neoseps reynoldsi)

Sand skinks (Neoseps reynoldsi) and bluetail mole skinks (Eumeces egregius lividus) are found in interior peninsular Florida. Both species are most commonly associated with […]

Red Cockaded Wood Peckers

This layer shows documented observations of State and federally protected Red Cockaded Wood Peckers. Impacts to this habitat may require […]

Petroleum Contamination (FDEP)

These are locations which are suspected or perceived to be contaminated. Further review will conclude or eliminate petroleum contamination. Clicking […]

Panther Focus Area (USFWS)

Depending on the zone, developments greater than 1 acre within the Panther Focus Area often require lengthy permitting timeframes and […]

Sink Holes

Oil and gas well permits (FDEP) are locations where a permit has been issued. Click on the Oil and Gas […]